1. 配合本館「捷克古典音樂四巨擘的傳奇人生」(FAMOUS CZECH COMPOSERS)展覽開展,利瑪竇太平洋研究室將於113年6月13日(四)暫停開放一天。
2. 當天若需調閱利瑪竇太平洋研究室之書刊,請至6樓電梯前漢學中心臨時櫃臺申請。
The Matteo Ricci & Pacific Studies Reading Room will have a temporary closure on June 13, 2024. The reason for the temporary closure is the unveiling of the "FAMOUS CZECH COMPOSERS" Exhibition on that day. If you need to request materials be held for you, please visit the Center for Chinese Studies Temporary Circulation Desk situated in front of the elevator on the 6th floor. Thank you for your patience and cooperation during this brief disruption.
National Central Library