

  • QRCode
  • 活動時間:
    • 2023-12-19 09:00 ~ 2023-12-31 17:00


阿拉伯語為人類文化中多樣性的重要支柱之一,亦是世界上使用最廣泛的其中一種語言,全球每天有超過 4 億人在使用它。每年的12月18日,世界各地一同慶祝【世界阿拉伯語言日】。選擇這一天慶祝阿拉伯語日是因為,聯合國大會於1973年做出了一項歷史性決議,將阿拉伯語定為該組織的第六種官方語言。阿拉伯語以其不同形式和風格,包括口頭、書寫、官方及各地方言,以及多樣的書法、散文和詩歌藝術,在各不同領域中創造出,可扣人心弦的美妙詩句,其中也包括了工程、詩歌、哲學和歌曲等領域的影響力。




World Arabic Language Day 2023: "Arabic - the Language of Poetry and Arts"

The Arabic language is a pillar of the cultural diversity of humanity. It is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, used daily by more than 400 million people. World Arabic Language Day is celebrated every year on 18 December since 2012. The date coincides with the day in 1973 that the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted Arabic as the sixth official language of the Organization.

In the diversity of its forms, classic or dialectal, from oral expression to poetic calligraphy, the Arabic language has given rise to a fascinating aesthetic, in fields as varied as architecture, poetry, philosophy and song. It gives access to an incredible variety of identities and beliefs and its history reveals the richness of its links with other languages. Arabic has played a catalytic role in knowledge, promoting the dissemination of Greek and Roman sciences and philosophies to Renaissance Europe. It has enabled a dialogue of cultures along the silk roads, from the coast of India to the Horn of Africa.

"Arabic - the Language of Poetry and Arts"

The theme of World Arabic Language Day 2023 was chosen by UNESCO to be "Arabic - the Language of Poetry and Arts" to display how the Arabic Language has inspired creativity in poetry and art for centuries.

To shed light on one of these immortal creations in the Arabic Language, the Saudi Arabian Trade Office in Taipei is organizing an exhibition accompanying the celebration of the World Arabic Language Day 2023 in December 19-31, for Arabic reading, and introducing the Mu’allaqat and its poets. The Exhibition co-organized with the Arabic Language Department at NCCU and hosted by the National Central Library Taiwan, with support of Ministry of Culture.

Exhibition Date: Dec. 19~31, 2023
Venue: Reading Exhibition Space, National Central Library

主辦單位: 國家圖書館、沙烏地阿拉伯駐台北商務辦事處、文化部、政治大學阿拉伯語系

活動縣市: 臺北市

活動地點: 國家圖書館

聯絡人: 許編輯

聯絡電話: 02-23619132轉163
